Online Lessons

Well planned and prepared air-lessons are absolutely key to making the most out of the short time we have with our students each day. Our air-lessons are hosted through WebEx. Children access their air-lessons via Connect. Each teacher has their own ‘classroom’, and students learn quickly how to navigate Connect to get to where they need to be.

At KSOTA, we follow a structured approach to our Literacy & Numeracy blocks. We employ Targeted Teaching strategies to support our students. 


Literacy Block

    • Students in Kindy have a 30-minute Literacy Block. This contains Let’s Decode, opportunities for speaking and listening and fine motor activities.
    • Students in Pre-primary – Year 2 have a 60-minute Literacy Block with Lets Decode, moving into Daily Reviews and Explicit Instruction for new content. 
    • Students in Year 3 – 6  have 50 minutes allocated for on-air Literacy. Literacy Blocks in upper primary contain Daily Reviews and Explicit Instruction for new content.  
    • Students in the Literacy Support class have a 50 minute block allocated for on-air Literacy. Literacy Support Blocks contain MacqLit and Explicit Instruction for new content. 
    • Students in Year 1 – 6 not receiving MacqLit intervention have 20-minutes of Spelling Mastery sessions. 


Maths Block

    • Students in Kindy have a 30-minute Maths session. This contains hands-on activities where the students explore mathematical concepts outlined in the Kindergarten guidelines.
    • All students in Pre-primary -Year 6 have 40 minutes allocated to on-air Maths. At KSOTA we progress through the Origo Stepping Stones mathematics program. Maths sessions follow Targeting Teaching strategies, using Daily Reviews to access and reaffirm prior knowledge and Explicit Instruction to deliver new concepts and vocabulary. Emphasis is on hands-on activities that will allow the student to complete their activity pages as independently as possible, but also apply their understandings to different contexts.

Kimberley School 

of the Air

Marmion Street, Derby WA 6728

P: 08 9193 3070