Camps, like Home Visits, are an essential element to schooling through Kimberley School of the Air as they provide teachers, students and the wider school community with face to face interactions.

Camps at KSOTA are very different to camps at a mainstream school. All students from Kindy to Year 6 are invited to attend, along with their families and Home Tutors.

Home Tutors’ Seminar

Home Tutors’ Seminar held in at the Broome Camp School during Term 2.

Prime agenda for this camp is to provide parents and Home Tutors with professional learning opportunities that align with school priorities and learning programs where possible, but to also support the development of some teaching and learning knowledge. Students engage in a range of activities with their class teachers on general curriculum activities and also through camp based/run activities. 

Term Four Camp

Graduation presentations are held during this camp prior to the upper primary students attending Muster. There are further opportunities for our students to work together in their class groups with their teacher. 


Muster takes place in Perth at the end of the year. All 5 Schools of the Air from around the state of WA get together for an end of year camp. The camp takes in various excursions of interest in Perth as well as activities such as a traditional sports carnival and talent nights form the basis of a long-standing Muster tradition. Students in Years 4-6 are invited to attend.

Kimberley School 

of the Air

Marmion Street, Derby WA 6728

P: 08 9193 3070