Meet the principal

I have been lucky enough to be the principal of this wonderful school since 2021, and I continue to be blown away by our families dedication, commitment and enthusiasm. We have turned our school into a thriving community, dedicated to improving educational outcomes for geographically isolated students. We are committed to being at the forefront of distance education. We work hand-in-hand with families, students, and the wider-community to ‘Teach For Impact’ and promote equitable education for all students.  

At times I can hardly believe how much we manage to cram into each school year…  daily class air-lessons, 1-1 sessions, specialist subjects, Project, home visits, Home Tutors Seminar, Term 4 Camp, and even SOTA Muster.

Even though we are so incredibly fortunate to live in and explore the Kimberley (and the state), having the best time with all our friends, we still manage to pack the school year full of sensational learning.

I am so proud of each and every one of our students, and I hope they find moments to reflect on just how awesome their achievements are.

Esther Kerr

Kimberley School 

of the Air

Marmion Street, Derby WA 6728

P: 08 9193 3070